„There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
E. Wiesel

Acts of civil disobedience do not occur in a vacuum. They need a point of reference – law, order, an opponent (who should not be confused with the enemy). The opponent can be both, the government and large corporations, or a group of citizens, who constitute the majority. Therefore the act of civil disobedience takes place in relation to the established social order, against specific actions of decision-makers, which in the opinion of the „disobedient individuals” violate values that are essential to them.
An interesting aspect in this subject is also the initiation of processes of transforming the relationship between non-state actors and the governments. This process has important implication for the legitimacy of governments on one hand and for claims to sovereignty on the other. „Borderline” situations put a strain on socio-political cohesion in many countries. The diverse effects of the crisis on key levels (axes) (e.g. rich versus poor, city versus countryside, region versus region, citizen versus
migrant) can exacerbate existing socio-political divisions.
The space in which there is social opposition is constantly changing. In addition to more traditional acts of civil disobedience, such as mass social protests, some initiatives use new technologies (hacktivism), including DDoS attacks on government websites or hacking accounts of influential officials on social media.
Changes taking place in this area require constant analysis and asking questions about the activity of citizens and their impact on the legal order and social system.
In the presentation, the authors will analyze issues: How much is a revolution in civil disobedience and rebellion in civil disobedience? Is civil disobedience a collective act? Is inaction also making a choice? What actions are taken by non-institutional forms of resistance? What is the role of new technologies in contemporary acts of civil disobedience? Against whom / what are activists rebelling? Who is currently the „addressee” of acts of civil disobedience?