Noortje Marres is Professor in Science, Technology and Society (STS) in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick. She studied philosophy and sociology of science and technology at the University of Amsterdam and conducted her doctoral research, on pragmatist, object-centred conceptions of the public in technological societies, at that same university and at the École des Mines, Paris. Her work investigates issues at the intersection of innovation, everyday environments and public life: the role of mundane materials and devices in civic engagement, technology testing in society, and changing relations between social life and social science in a computational age. Noortje also contributes to methodology development, in work on issue mapping online and situational analytics. She was recently awarded a Leverhulme Fellowship for her project Beyond the Lab: An Empirical Philosophy of Intelligent Vehicle Testing and is Principal Investigator on the ESRC-funded project Shaping 21st Century AI: Controversy and Closure in Research, Policy and Media. Marres published two monographs, Material Participation (2012) and Digital Sociology (2017) and co-edited Inventing the Social (2018).
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