Polish sociological perspective on men and masculinities has been enriched with the new empirical, theoretical and methodological analyses since the last 15 years. Growing number of scholars recognise significant changes both in masculinities’ models and male gender roles. The latter, in certain aspect of social life, has been shifting into more egalitarian approach but in others, lead towards re-traditionalisation. This results in the situation where contempoPolish sociological perspective on men and masculinities has been enriched with the new empirical, theoretical and methodological analyses for the last 15 years. Growing number of scholars recognise significant changes both in masculinities’ models and male gender roles. The latter, in certain aspect of social life, have been shifting into more egalitarian approach but in others, lead towards re-traditionalisation. This results in the situation where contemporary society in an arena of, simultaneously, the resurrection of patriarchal, hegemonic forms of masculinities and development of new forms, such as caring masculinities. This dynamic can be observed not only in Poland, but in the rest of Europe, including countries belonging to the similar, post-socialist gender regime. Therefore, the main goal of this Group is to gather scholars that focus on the widely approached men and masculinities issues and give the space for exchange of their current empirical findings as well as for discussions regarding new concepts and theories developed within sociology of masculinities. Lastly, we also invite papers on methodological dimensions of sociological analyses of men and masculinities phenomena. In order to facilitate more international dimension for the discussions, the group is planned as bilingual and thus, papers in English and Polish are equally welcome.

Bearing in mind the complexity and diversity of men and masculinities in contemporary society, we would like to invite other academics to contribute to the discussion and focus on following areas:

  • Critical reflection on new and old concepts and theories developed within sociology of masculinities
  • Various aspects of methodological challenges in the research on men and masculinities
  • Men, masculinities and intersectionality
  • Men, masculinities and migration
  • Men, masculinities and (dis)ability
  • Men, masculinities and age
  • Men, masculinities and sexuality
  • Men, masculinities and body
  • Men, masculinities and care
  • Men, masculinities and emotions
  • Men, masculinities and health
  • Men, masculinities and violence
  • Men, masculinities and work
  • Men, masculinities and religion
  • Men, masculinities and politics