4 topics
The LANDSCAPE OF TOMORROW considers new practices and lifestyles. Examined will be the new technologies encroaching upon our lives with increasing intensity, the species boundaries crossed in social relations, interactions with non-human actors, the changing paradigm in human-environment relations, and the new ways in which physical space is organized in the city and countryside. All these are already evident, but we must be able to imagine the landscapes in which these social experiences will culminate.

The subject of SOCIETY IN A TIME OF MALADY focuses on (but is not limited to) the COVID-19 pandemic. Analyzed here will be the unique functioning of groups, institutions, and collectivities under pandemic circumstances (disease as an objective entity) as well as the cultural, social, religious (secularization), economic (the neoliberal paradigm undermined), and political (the authoritarian turn) problems which have come to the fore or even escalated due to the coronavirus (illness as a metaphor for social life).
Falling within the scope of MOBILITY-DIVERSITY-MINORITIES is the matter of escalating mobility and social diversification. Highlighted will be a capturing of the forces at work in social recompositions. Not only are novel processes of heterogeneity taking place, but old diversities (e.g., ethnic, religious, class, etc.) are being rediscovered by scholars just as new possibilities for fuller political recognition are gained by minorities.

THE SOCIETY OF UNCERTAINTY delves into the instability and incertitude which – aroused by the intensifying dynamics and changeability of the social world – renders it ever more unpredictable. Escaping human control, the contemporary world provokes various social actors to undertake new behaviors, seek less obvious forms of agency and resourcefulness, and rebuild relationships and community anew. Under such circumstances, the social functioning of academia – especially the role of sociology – changes in the face of mounting complexity and volatility.
In order to take part in the congress, you should register using the form below:

Important dates
until May 31, 2022
providing authors with information about accepting abstracts
September 14-17, 2022
18th Sociological Congress