The global challenge of today is not so much the emerging of crises and failures. Or the issue of uncontrolability. But that the experiences of failure, strategies of managing, and access to safety nets are unequally distributed in the society. Some actors and groups redefine failure, celebrating its confession through so called fail faires, festivals and fuck-up nights. While others are less resourceful in benefiting of structures of support, or do not have access to recoveries that receive social acknowledgement.

The thematic group proposes to explore the relation between failure, inequality and success limitations from an interdisciplinary perspective. It argues that failure is a universal experience. At the end of the day, however, there is inequality in the stories of failure that are being told. Contemporary crises raise awareness about these inequalities. Crises open possibilities for social change with concrete support from international actors, social movements, policy agendas and new failure experts. The role of social sciences and public policy studies in all this being to identify the dynamic of rhetoric of inequality of failure. To inquire what are the variations at global and country levels in making sense and coming to terms with it.

It is not only the experiences of failure that are unequal, but also those of success. Dealing with asymmetries and reproduction of power relations in contemporary experiences of failure and success is a fundamental factor of growing economic and social inequalities globally. The thematic group argues that it is time to move from seeing failure as a step towards success! To address: – Who does and does not have access to failure as a tool for success?
– How is change possible?
– What are the implications in terms of redefinition of failure in a post-pandemic context?
– How do experiences, regimes and imaginaries of failure manifest and interact globally?