
Semi-plenary sessions

  • Landscapes of tomorrow
  • Semi-plenary session: sociology and the covid-19 pandemic
  • Democracy and radical politics
  • Agency in the society of uncertainty
  • Work, social reproduction and mobilisation in (post)pandemic times
  • New multiculturalism: Poland and Europe


  • Future Society in the World of Nature
  • Where will we live, work and rest?
  • Society in times of disease
  • Illness as a metaphor for social life
  • Being –shared-with-others in the uncertainty of everyday life
  • Social science facing changes
  • (In)visible borders
  • Alternative visions of the good life

Thematic sessions proposed by the sections of the PSA

  • Cum civis de futuro: Apologizing or instrumentalizing civil society?
  • Relations with the Other – Relating with the non-human entity
  • Uniformed servants during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Death anew: The future of practices and experiences of dying, burial, and mourning
  • Disability and people with disabilities in a changing, uncertain reality
  • The social dimensions of nature conservation and environmental protection in the face of a climate and epidemiological crisis
  • The challenges of energy transition and its impact on environmental protection
  • The future of work in the (post-)pandemic reality [thematic session in English]
  • Sociological research methods, ethics, and practice in a time of social crisis: The COVID-19 pandemic
  • Sociology in the public sphere: academic knowledge and social practice
  • Historical sociology: Areas of study and methods for a good start
  • Participation in culture for everybody or only the chosen few? Mechanisms of cultural stratification in the fields of art and music
  • Rebellion in art – Art in rebellion
  • Support systems for persons with disabilities and their families: Diagnosticians facing the challenges of (post)pandemic times
  • Close relationships in the process of changing
  • Caring practices in the everyday life of families and intimate relationships
  • Ethnicity is a woman
  • National and ethnic minorities in Poland in light of the 2021 National Population and Housing Census
  • Human-flora relations in a sociocultural context
  • “You’ll never walk alone” – Protest as care
  • Gender inequalities in (post)pandemic times
  • 21st century technologies and changes in economic practices
  • The body and change: Sociological studies on practices of embodiment/incarnation
  • Social work during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The intersectional perspective in research on work and labor
  • The social determinants and consequences of unequal healthcare access: Between the decomposition and recomposition of social networks
  • Migrants and migrations in the context of crises
  • Media, technology, and religion in the society of the future
  • Sports of the Future: Institutional, technological, and identity transformations and challenges
  • The social context of amateur sport and physical recreation in a (post)pandemic time – continuity or change?
  • Rural NGOs in postpandemic times – Opportunities and challenges
  • Communality, tribalism, and socialization in classical sociology: History and contemporary reception
  • The small next to the big: Relations between metropolises and their inhabitants as difficult neighbors or synergic cooperators
  • Considering the researcher’s “I”: The first-person perspective in social science research


In order to take part in the congress, you should register using the form below:

Important dates

until May 31, 2022
providing authors with information about accepting abstracts

September 14-17, 2022
18th Sociological Congress

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